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It is a fact that wedding events are still the best way for wedding professionals to strike up a relationship with potential clients.  There are lots of companies on the internet supplying similar goods and services but there is no substitute for viewing products and meeting potential suppliers face to face.  It is here that the bond is made and it is your chance to show why you, personally, can meet the bride and grooms needs rather than one of your competitors.  Our events also have a limit on similar offerings so you know you will not be up against half the show when competing for business.

How do we ensure that the footfall for the event will be good?
  • A great mix of advertising bespoke to the location of the fair.  The majority is target marketing through online and social media paid for adverts as well as listings on the wedding fair websites, magazine advertising and newspaper adverts.

  • In-house marketing is key and we try to choose venue locations that are able to promote the event internally for a good period prior to the show.

  • With a team with skilled marketeers and with newspaper experience we produce successful targeted press release to newspapers and relevant publications.

  • As an attraction we run competitions with fantastic prizes to encourage footfall at all of our exhibitions.

  • Banners outside venues (where allowed)

  • Entry to all wedding exhibitions are free


Terms and Conditions:

50% deposit required on booking with the remainder payable 4-weeks before the event.

Apply for an Exhibition Space

Exhibitor Packages

  • Table and chairs (where required) – if you don’t require a table please let us know.  We don’t want to clutter your space.

  • As an exhibitor you will get unlimited tea and coffee throughout the show. Please bring your own food though, or purchase it from the venue (where available).

  • A free JPEG design to promote your participation at the event via social media (if required) – please email us if you would like a bespoke version for your business.

  • After each show the attendees will be mailed with all details and contacts of exhibitors from the wedding fair.

  • Guidance and advice on the best way to get sales from your exhibition space from an event planner with 20 years of experience.

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